December 21, 2018


Communications & Public Affairs Office

Gila River Indian Community


SACATON, AZ. – The Community Council approved two agreements today that will provide up to 33,185 acre-feet of water to the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District (CAGRD) each year for 25 years beginning in 2020.


These agreements are an important component of the proposed Lower Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan, or DCP, and will be signed once the Arizona Legislature approves the DCP implementation plan that is supported by Governor Doug Ducey.


Because the DCP will impose cuts that will eliminate the water source that CAGRD has relied on in the past, certain CAGRD members, which include developers and homebuilders, have raised concerns regarding the DCP and its impact on the state’s economy.


Governor Stephen R. Lewis applauded the Council’s decision today, stating, “While these agreements are beneficial to the Community’s long-term water interests, the Community had been very concerned that DCP might not happen and was re-examining whether these agreements were the best use of our water supplies in times of shortage.


As a result, we had been waiting to see whether DCP was a realistic possibility or whether we should wait and perhaps move in a different direction. Governor Ducey’s plan, including the funding he has provided, were a significant boost for the Community’s confidence in a final DCP being adopted and were the catalyst for today’s Council approvals.


We believe our action today helps build momentum to have Arizona approve DCP and protect Lake Mead, but at the same time ensure that water supplies are available for an important sector of Arizona’s economy. We appreciate Governor Ducey’s strong support for an Arizona DCP that works and take this action today in order to further support his efforts and bring more certainty to the ultimate conclusion.”