GRIN welcomes letters and columns from readers under the following guidelines:
- Letters should be limited to 200 words and be in good taste.
- Material that could be libelous or slanderous is not acceptable.
- All letters or columns should be signed with the writerʼs true name, address and telephone number in the event GRIN may need to contact the writer.
- Only the name of the writer will be printed in the paper.
- Letters or columns without a complete signature, name, address or phone number will not be acceptable to GRIN for publication.
- GRIN reserves the right to edit submitted materials for grammar, spelling and content.
Published letters or columns do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editor or Gila River Indian Community.
Material published in the Gila River Indian News may not be reproduced in any form without consent from the Gila River Indian Community.
Write to:
Editor, GRIN
P.O. Box 459
Sacaton, AZ 85147